How to create an opportunity

Opportunities are related to accounts and contain information on a specific transaction

This article covers how to:

Click any link to navigate to that section.

Upload a quote or invoice (automated)

Fortify leverages powerful AI to make creating new opportunities as easy as drag-and-drop.

Here's how:

Step 1: Drag and drop your quote or invoice onto the Fortify home page

As you drag the file into view, you should see a dropzone emerge. Drop your file into this zone and Fortify AI will begin parsing your document.

Step 2: Edit and complete all required fields

After a successful upload you will land on the invoice confirmation page.

Review each of the required fields to make sure the information parsed by the AI is correct. Pay close attention to business names, customer names, and addresses as these are easy to miss.

Step 3: Submit

Once you've reviewed all required information, click Submit

What do to if an account already exists

After submitting your quote/invoice data you may receive an error that "The account name has already been taken." In this case, you must search for the existing account and generate a new opportunity manually from within that Account 's page

Manual Entry

You can manually enter any account and opportunity by selecting "+ Add account" from the Accounts index page.

Step 1: Search and select the account's legal name

Complete all required fields including the account's billing address, then save.

Step 2: Add a contact

Next, add a contact to this account and designate them as a signer. Remember: at least one contact must be a designated signer on all accounts.

Step 3: Add an opportunity

Select "Create opportunity" from the account detail page. A new opportunity will automatically generate from your account's name.

Next, add a new vendor quote or invoice.

Now you're ready to customize your opportunity.

Customize the opportunity

After a successful submission you will land on the opportunity page. Here, you can adjust any values on the Vendor Quote/Invoice object and add or customize finance options.

Customize existing finance options

By default, you should see a few template finance options. You can customize any of these by selecting the finance option and changing available details on the finance option detail page.

Create new finance options

If your vendor program has the necessary permissions, you can create new finance options by selecting the "Create financing option" button.

After you have adjusted the available details, save the finance option to complete.

Delete finance options

Delete any finance option by selecting it via the checkbox, then clicking "Delete financing option"


Next, learn about sharing payment options with your customer