How to share a proposal with a client through the client portal

Share your quote, purchase options, and requirements with any client through the client portal

In Fortify, all customer interaction is done through the client portal. Your quote, purchase options, and subsequent sale documentation is all managed through the client portal. You can view the client portal from any opportunity

First, drag/drop or upload your quote on the home page

Drag your a .pdf version of the quote into the browser window or select the uploader from the home page

Confirm fields

Next, scan the required fields in the right-side card section and confirm all data is correct.

Click "Confirm"

Review purchase options

Review the purchase options in the "financing options" card to make sure they contain your desired terms.

Anything visible under "financing options" will be available to the customer in the customer portal.

Go to the client portal

Select "View client portal" in the top right corner of the page.

A new tab will open up, this is what the client will see when you share this opportunity with them.

Share client portal

Select "Share" in the top right corner and type the email of the person you'd like to share with.

Start typing the email of the contact you'd like to share with:

If they're a new user, select "Invite a new contact to this opportunity"

When you've completed the new contact form, click "Add contact"

The new contact will now receive an email notification to sign up, including your custom message:

And you're all set! You'll be notified when the customer interacts with the portal so you know exactly how to manage the deal.