What to expect from credit reviews

Credit factors, timeline, and additional information requests

All loans originated through Fortify are managed by Fortify's sister company, FORT Capital Resources. The FORT team looks a number of factors when considering a new account for credit:

Credit factors

  • Time in business
  • Business entity type (no sole-props at this time)
  • Business category
  • Comparison credit
  • Special considerations

Unapproved finance options

By default, all finance options created by a user are unapproved. Each time a customer selects an unapproved finance option, the FORT team is notified and will begin their credit review of the account and opportunity.

Once approved, you will be notified and see that the "unapproved" flag is removed from the approved finance options.

Review timeline

Most credit reviews are resolved within hours of a customer submission but can take up to 48 hours in special situations (not including weekends). Our team reviews credit profiles when:

  1. A new account is created
  2. A customer selects a proposed payment option

Finance option changes

In many situations, we will approve the option selected by the customer. In this case, the opportunity moves to the docs stage and finance documentation will be sent to the customer.

In some cases, like those where a customer has a lower FORT credit score, new finance options need to be generated.

In these cases, our team will create new finance options in your opportunity to present to the customer. These new options will be sent to the customer for acceptance.

If one of these options is accepted by the customer, the review process is complete and the opportunity will move to the documentation stage.

Information requests

To get a credit approval, you may receive an information request from the FORT credit team. In this case, the FORT team will contact you and/or the customer via email to collect supporting documentation.

This is done to maximize the number of profiles we can support. The FORT team has more than 15 years experience in the credit markets and works diligently to provide customers the best available option.

You can learn more about FORT Capital Resources specifically here: www.fortcapitalresources.com